There are many kinds of Websites about finance and managing money. In an effort to make it easier to find good sites, we have added this category. These Websites are, at the time listed, active and relatively informative. We take no responsibility for the advice they publish. Nor do we affirm or endorse any products, services, or methodologies these sites may promote. By clicking on any of these links you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Web.Quiktales.Com, its owners, agents, and representatives from any and all liability arising from your use of advice, products, or services found on any of the financial and money management sites listed below.
The listings provided on this page do not yet fit into other categories in our directory. These Websites were selected on the basis of editorial review at a specific time and may not necessarily continue to operate in the same way as when they were reviewed. reserves the right to modify or remove these listings according to editorial discretion. Please do not contact us with requests to be added to this directory. Our choices and decisions are final.
Brad Lane’s Money Life
Personal finance blogger Brad Lane shares insights and suggestions on saving and making money.
CNN Business
Daily news about money, finance, and economics.
Coupons for Movies
Extensive guide to where you can find coupons and discounts for USA theater chains and food.
Drink Coupons
Exhaustive directory of coupons, offers, and deals for beverages of all types.
Finance is Personal
Small personal finance blog with tips on saving money, making money, and investing.
Financial Ways
Small blog with big ideas about saving and making money. Packed with interesting tips.
Fulbright Scholarships
The official homepage for the United States government’s famed Fulbright Scholarships, which send promising students all over the world.
Income For Us
Articles on economic developments, methods for saving and making money, and investment strategies for small portfolio owners.
Personal financial guidance and introductions to foreign exchange and stock markets.
Investing for a Living
Small investor tracks his progress via this blog and shares his opinions on events of the day.
Low Income Aid
Free tips and personal finance strategies for people with very little income. No registrations required.
Making Money with Joe
No-BS articles about how to make money online, offline, all the time. All you need is a cuppa Joe and the will to succeed.
The MoneyCrat
The MoneyCrat offers tips and analyses of savings, earnings, and investment strategies and practices.
Great personal financial advice and strategies from an experienced writer.
Old School Coinage
A personal finance blogger sharing insights and experiences.
Printable Coupon Pages
Articles about where to find coupons that can be downloaded and printed.
Vicky on Money
A young wife explores the world of personal finances and investing.
Wizard of Cash
The Wizard of Cash publishes articles with information about making, saving, and investing money.
Yahoo! Finance
Daily news articles about stocks, investing, the economy, and more.